Below you’ll find technical information regarding the preferred brands we use in the collections

Market leader in the United states, this Canadian brand plays with coulours and offers comfortable basic products for both men and women as for kids at competitive prices. Specially for Europe they have designed the “Softstyle" range that applies to demands of this market in terms of size and material. The brand is entirely Oeko-Tex FR00 certified and WRAP for their factories and is a member of the Fair Labour Association.

1997 – Creation of the first truly integrated European promotional textile brand
HQ in Belgium
Supply/sourcing office in Asia
2007 – Acquired by Kwintet Group: Leading European professional and promotional wear group secures commitment to growth and development
2015 – Change of shareholders/ member of Fristads Kansas Group
2020 – B&C Collection is a leading brand in the European market, focused on continued development opportunities
View the basic T-Shirt for kids size grid
View the organic T-Shirt for man size grid
View the organic T-Shirt for woman size grid
Click on the picture below to enlarge

For over 20 years, Kariban has distinguished itself thanks to its modern twist on promotional clothing classics, with fitted cuts, intricate details and ready-to-wear inspired collections. This year Kariban has expressed its know-how in an all-new sleek and stylish Corporate range (containing suits, dresses, a skirt, shirts, jumpers and jackets). On a more casual note, 2018 marks the launch of Kariban’s denim collection and sees the addition of several new designs to its organic OCS certified collection.
Download the KARIBAN size grid for the following items: Man Hooded Sweatshirt ; Woman Hooded Sweatshirt ; Kids Hooded Sweatshirt

A pioneer in ethical terms, the American brand has obtained the Oeko-Tex certification since FR997 and played a key role in 2000 in the creation of WRAP. Russell is positioned as a must for the promotional market with an incredibly wide range of products: image communication, business with shirts, workwear.
View the Russel size grid
Kappa is an Italian sportswear brand founded in Turin, Piedmont, Italy.[2] Kappa was founded in Turin, Italy, in 1978, by Marco Boglione
View the Kappa size grid below
Please find below the size charts for different models :
Please find below the size charts for different models :
Market leader in the United states, this Canadian brand plays with coulours and offers comfortable basic products for both men and women as for kids at competitive prices. Specially for Europe they have designed the “Softstyle" range that applies to demands of this market in terms of size and material. The brand is entirely Oeko-Tex FR00 certified and WRAP for their factories and is a member of the Fair Labour Association.
A pioneer in ethical terms, the American brand has obtained the Oeko-Tex certification since FR997 and played a key role in 2000 in the creation of WRAP. Russell is positioned as a must for the promotional market with an incredibly wide range of products: image communication, business with shirts, workwear.
View the Russel SIZE GRID
Since its launch in 2012, Stanley / Stella has focused on simplicity, highlighting the essence of the garment. The driving force of its founder Jean Chabert: to break codes, be a game changer who reinvents fashion for a better world.
For over 20 years, Kariban has distinguished itself thanks to its modern twist on promotional clothing classics, with fitted cuts, intricate details and ready-to-wear inspired collections. This year Kariban has expressed its know-how in an all-new sleek and stylish Corporate range (containing suits, dresses, a skirt, shirts, jumpers and jackets). On a more casual note, 2018 marks the launch of Kariban’s denim collection and sees the addition of several new designs to its organic OCS certified collection.
Kariban Size Chart
B&C Collection helps bring to life your actions, promotions, designs and uniforms by bringing you a comprehensive collection of styles, from classic to fashionable, of the highest quality, in the widest colour range.